Victoria 2: Review

Magic words live next to us. It is worth saying “boobs” how people are already crowding around. But if you say Paradox Interactive, then part of the audience will instantly run away. Moans will be heard: “Oh-oh, it’s too difficult, more terrible strategies and not come up with!»Come up, gentlemen, how to come up with. Recently appeared on the shelves “Victoria 2” – The most severe game from Paradox, which does not tolerate jerks that can entertain themselves only by all sorts of Modern Warfare 2 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2.

Victory Day will not be

The proud people can say, they say, it’s not fear of Cyril with stupid tanks – we played on Victory 3 Day, but played so that the computer moaned and asked for mercy: he offered to cut off half the video card and sacrifice it to us. But I hasten to upset, the previous project from Paradox – another. Let in “Victoria 2” The same engine, a similar interface, almost identical menu, only the goals of you in these strategies are completely different.

“Victory Day” – about the war. You launch it and understand that in five years it will be necessary to attack or defend yourself. If you took under the leadership of Germany, then slowly bring the troops to France and Poland. In advance, develop improvements for the fleet and aviation, because it is necessary to restore the UK. You don’t have to rack your head for a long time over politics.

We will choose any other country – and still we will prepare for war. We will not attack, so someone will direct our tanks to us.

All complexity is in hostilities and life at a time when everyone in the world has taken up each other. On the one hand, we are fighting on the fronts, on the other – in the rear – we conclude unions, explore new weapons, motivate citizens to win. This is not easy.

But when there is no war, when it is necessary to amuse a well -fed and contented people, when it is necessary to build your state, and not destroy strangers, when it does not unite everyone one thing, it is then that it becomes damn difficult. And about all this – “Victoria 2”.

Invisible landmarks

Even large fans of strategies from Paradox can be confused after entering the game. Here we choose the state, find ourselves on a global map … And there is nothing to do. The war is not planned, the country is either flourishing or slowly rotting. And it is impossible to abruptly intervene in the process: the infidels – to the guillotine, our minions – to the advanced positions, to occupy France, to scare the Russians, to hint that they are not related to the ocean.

There are no so comfortable levers here. We set the landmarks, indicate to the Motherland the path along which she will go to a bright future. Everything else is already doing others, and it is difficult for us to influence their solutions.

A simple example. For the country to flourish, we need factories. Without them there is no production, the economy is huddled, the army is not modernized, the happiness of people is rapidly falling, and the hungry inhabitants entertain each other with greeds, who, how and in what place the monarch-idiot has learned. But the monarch in most cases does not build the plants. Therefore, we need capitalists who will do all this. We can only create favorable conditions for their business, that is, radically reduce taxes. And then they will slowly begin to come, get acquainted, make plans and, possibly, factories.

But it is not a fact that even with low taxes, our territory will turn into an industrial paradise. The capitalists often go broke, they sometimes lack goods for buildings, does not get money. Then they get angry, spit on everything and go rebel. And we do not ripen industrialization, but the revolution.

And again there is no lever that will fix everything. It is necessary, as if seamstress, a line behind a line painstakingly remove patterns and cut off the excess. Somewhere we change the minister, we will accept the new law, occupy the lands of the neighbors. But no haste, no decisive action. Sudden and swift here only a revolution. Everything else is planned and done for years.

We will write a story

So that we do not get bored, while we are waiting for a response to our actions, the developers continue to throw historical events. A message appears on the screen, in which, for example, we are warned of the import of illegal literature from SASSH. We can either close our eyes to this, and then free thought will grow (and in the mid -nineteenth century it is very adversely), or ordering the secret police to arrest such parcels, but in this case, relations with the Americans will be spoiled.

Usually historical events are not good. Something in any case we lose. And let them also have a positive effect, but this prevents the pursuance of a clear policy and, for example, purposefully lowering all methods of dissatisfaction. But often you have to agree to his growth, so as not to quarrel with another power, get money, not to miss any benefit. Such events make a realistic element of randomness.

Well, plus they remind us that the game is still historical. Although in “Victoria 2” The developers seem to have the least tried to force us to follow the realities. Now even the campaign is only one. We start in 1836, it is impossible to choose another date. Therefore, hardly in 1917 a revolution will flare up in Russia, and you do not have to force Comrade Lenin to dump abroad with all its Bolsheviks. Too much will change during this time.

Although knowledge of history and what was actually helps a lot. You understand who should be attacked and who is preferable not to touch. If you manage Austria, then it is better to leave the Balkans alone, otherwise Russia will climb into a fight for a fight and Russia. If you take the leadership of China, be prepared for hostility with England, because the East is in its interests.

Personally, it is easiest for me to play Russia. I know the history of that period well, so I understand without prompts that it can give an increase in Westerners, what will become if you start persecution of Slavophiles, with which of the neighbors you need to be friends, which is missing the empire.

From mud to bunch

And yet the question remains open: what to do in the game? If the victory in the war is not a goal, then then what to strive for? Alas, countries like England, the Russian Empire or Austria has no one specific goal. You just develop, slowly become stronger and constantly deal with historical events and their consequences.

In my opinion, it is much more interesting to lead something more modest. Therefore, many choose China, Japan, Sicily, African and South American territories. They can be lifted up, there is always someone to fight with and you definitely see the goal. Today we are the third world, but soon we will become leaders!

Such countries need to break into the “great powers”. This is a symbol for the most powerful. If you, for example, can ensure that Sicily has such a status, then it will no longer be a colony and will receive complete freedom.

It is very interesting to manage China. The region is weak, there is no one who could subordinate everyone. And now you come out. Human resource you have just incredible. You can accumulate a huge army and crush it anyone. There is an opportunity to even compete with the Russian Empire, which is very difficult to hold the oriental regions.

But at the same time, your life will not be sweet. Kohm you fight for the status of a “great power”, the rest of the “monsters” look at you apprehensively. England will begin to bring soldiers to the borders and may declare war on one not very fine day. For the release of any of your province. So you will constantly have to spin, agree with some, fighting others, increase the economic potential. There is no peace of life here. Everything is very aggressive.

Victorian flaws

Not, of course, and without flaws. Since the game is very voluminous, it is very difficult to calculate everything to developers. There are just small blunders like those that when socialists appear in Russia, they oppose trade unions and behave like conservatives.

There are calamities and worse – starting in 1880, in almost any country that you have chosen, uprising flashes. The spirit of communism, anarchism and fascism wander around the world and knocks on every door. And he is accepted with cordiality everywhere. It becomes just unpleasant to play. You have to engage in continuous suppression of uprisings. Boring routine. And not only me faced this problem, other users also often complain about revolutionaries. And when there are no coups, this is rather an exception to the rules.

A little ships and the engine. “Victoria 2” demanding to the processor, but uses only one core. Therefore, small brakes, freezing are possible. Well, AI sometimes throws tricks that you do not expect from it in any way. It is sometimes difficult to understand its logic, especially diplomatic.

True, a lot Paradox going to fix. Patches should soon come out, and additions will probably appear. Maybe even another campaign will be added there, they will revise a little mechanics and make a more diverse research. Now they are superficial.

However, if you do not pay attention to unpleasant little things, then the game is very good. Perhaps she is the best that has created “paradoxes” in recent years. Someone, of course, will be closer to their other projects, more military, but “Victoria 2” – Real deep strategy. She is good in almost everything.

“Victoria 2”, Definitely, the strategy is very complicated. If in the “Day of Victory” and “Europe” we have to constantly fight, we always clearly know what to do, then here you just need to lead the country through years. And it turned out to be much more difficult than to untie the world war and get out of it the winner.

Pros: complex and deep gameplay;excellent training mode;Great opportunities.
Cons: some historical blunders;AI sometimes does not behave very adequately;Revolutionaries.

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